It would be impossible for me to qualify or properly categorize 2015, but I'm going to try my damnedest. Because looking at 2015, the things that stand out to me are the numbers. The numbers that keep floating to the surface of my mind are
33 and 142
That's my current age and weight. As a model/performer/actor/creative woman/personality I feel a lot of pressure not to age, and to stay thin. And although I clearly am thin, I often run into this dumb stereotype about my weight and/or dress size. When I tell people my weight they most often seem surprised, their guess is often 15-20 pounds lighter. Likewise people often assume I'm five years younger than I am. Part of me doesn't mind, but part of me minds a lot.
I, at 33, 6', 142lbs, am not a fragile little twig of a girl. I am a woman, with muscle and fat and broad shoulders. I think this is to my advantage: I can sit down comfortably and stay reasonably warm when working nude, plus I have a wide variety of life experiences and training to draw on, allowing me to embody emotion and story on the fly. Annoyingly, however, I regularly see women shaving off a few years and a few pounds online to seem more desirable. I, in turn, have participated in it to be competitive.
Well that's it. I call bullshit. Lying about my age or my weight to try to get jobs or seem attractive is totally stupid. I want to empower women to own themselves in full, and that means owning those numbers. I'm proud of my years on this planet, and I'm proud to take up some space.
Ultimately, I don't think those are the even the numbers that matter. Here are some of my favorite numbers from 2015.
highest elevation: 8262 ft, continental Divide, Yellowstone National Park, 12/22/15
lowest elevation: 200 feet below sea level, Death Valley National Park, 4/6/15
states visited: 7 - WA, OR, CA, WY, MO, NV, LA
other countries visited: 1 - Canadaterritories: 1 - US Virgin Islands
hot springs visited: 4 - Esalen (three times), Desert Hot Springs, Deep Creek
- Yellowstone (no swimming!)
epic roadtrips: 2
solo truck stop dance parties: 1
mileage on my car: 165,240
weddings attended: 3 - 1 secret wedding on the beach, 1 pagan self-marriage in the woods, 1 very
short notice in Victoria BC
individuals, workshops, schools, studios, or events worked with: 74
photo shoots in exotic locations: 4
viral videos views: 34,592
new tattoos: 1
Looking at all those numbers, you might think 2015 was nonstop excitement and fun. But it wasn't. I have a few really sad numbers, or difficult numbers, that have weighed me down a bit.
lowest weight in 2015: 120lbs
hardest day: 3/4/15
psychiatrist visits: 4
Let's just end that list there, shall we? I didn't intentionally drop 20 pounds in the end of 2014, but I did. For the first time since I was a young girl I weighed what people had always guessed. And I can say categorically that I feel better this way. Gimme that 22 pounds. Did you know that women primarily store serotonin in the fat cells around the belly. Ding ding ding!
So I just want to come out and say it, loud and clear. I'm 33 years old, and I weigh 142 pounds. This is a real woman's weight. My resolution in 2016 is to be honest with myself, to love myself very well, and never to apologize for myself. 2015 was all about those things, and I wouldn't change anything. Let's see what the new year has to bring.