Sunday, January 1, 2012

Obligatory New Year's Post

Once again I'm going to jump on the bandwagon.  Topic: New Years: resolutions and reflections.

I woke up yesterday, New Year's Eve, and felt really good about this year.  It has been a hell of a year, with a lot of interesting changes.  I have spent a lot of time and energy actively figuring some things out.  And now I'm tired of talking and thinking about that shit.  I'm ready for a new dialogue, both inner and outer.  I feel excited about the future, and want to focus my energy on that.

Part of that-okay, I just want you all to know that there is an extremely needy lion pawing at my knee, stealing my attention from what I'm writing.  He actually prefers to be picked up than to jump into my lap.  What a baby. Okay, topic at hand: I have projects coming up!  That I'm really looking forward to!  This  trend relates to the idea that work begets work.  Also, doing what I say I'm going to do is really important to me.  (Sharon Combs: watch out, I'm coming for you.)  The thought of following through on things is important; there's power in doing something you say you're going to do it.  Kind of an alchemical process by which you change your own world.

Wow, that was kind of misty woo-woo at then end there.  But maybe it's okay to wax a little poetic when thinking about the future.  My daydreams could come true.  I hope yours do.  Happy New Year.

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